Let’s Change the World

Transformational Listening Blog

Maslow Before Bloom: The Opportunity of Transformational Listening to Enhance Educational Development

Transformational listening in the classroom enables educators to identify and address the various psychological and emotional needs of their students. By actively listening to understand on a deeper level and responding to these needs, teachers can create a sense of safety, belonging, and esteem among their students. This nurturing environment is essential for students to progress towards self-actualization and engage in higher-order cognitive tasks.

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Navigating Holiday Stress

If you’re feeling joyous AND overwhelmed this holiday season, you’re not alone! The American Psychological Association reports that nearly 90% of adults experience stress during the holiday season due to concerns such as financial issues, missing loved ones, and potential family conflicts.

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Transform Listening to Improve Behavior

How can K–12 teachers and leaders navigate difficult emotional terrains, improve classroom behavior, decrease stress levels, and improve the overall schooling experience for everyone? It all starts with better listening.

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Parenting Pointers – How to Talk about World Conflicts with Children

For children the images and news of military conflicts around the world are beyond comprehension especially with children dead or being held hostage. Many parents are wondering how should they discuss what is playing out on television screens to their children. How should they? What things should parents consider? How do they navigate this? I had a chance to interview Christine Miles, author of the critically acclaimed and award winning book, What Is It Costing You Not To Listen? Miles, with a background in early education and psychology, has a list of tips to help parents discuss what is happening in Israel with their children. She says the key is to fully understand what children are seeing and asking.

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Active Listening vs. Transformational Listening: Beyond Passive Reception

The realm of communication is vast, and our understanding of it has grown to encompass various listening techniques, two of which are ‘active listening’ and ‘transformational listening’. While both methods are focused on giving the speaker full attention, they differ vastly in their approach and impact. In this article, we’ll discuss the differences between these two approaches and shed light on why transformational listening is the more effective choice.

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Unlocking Leadership Potential: The Impact of Transformational Listening

In today’s dynamic business environment, the ability to truly listen can set apart great leaders from good leaders. Imagine not just hearing words, but also understanding emotions, aspirations, and unsaid concerns. This is the essence of transformational listening. As you prepare to hire a transformational listening speaker for your managerial event, expect a journey that will delve deep into the art of empathetic listening and its profound impact on leadership. From strengthening leadership skills to promoting ethical decision-making, this speaker will guide your managers towards a more attuned and impactful leadership style. Here are a few quick points.

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The Hidden Power of Transformational Listening: Understanding the Question “How Are You?”

We’ve all been there – passing someone in the hallway, greeting a colleague in the office, or meeting a friend at the cafe, and the ubiquitous phrase gets exchanged: “How are you?” These three simple words are often met with an equally generic response: “I’m fine,” or “I’m good,” regardless of how we genuinely feel. Unfortunately, this social norm has reduced an inquiry about our well-being to an interaction of mere courtesy where most people don’t actually care about the response. Yet, in these moments, a profound opportunity lies dormant – the power of Transformational Listening.

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Christine Miles

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