Let's Change the World

The workshop game that's interactive, engaging and fun for all!

The workshop game that's interactive, engaging and fun for all!

Listening is a skill, and Mastering The Listening Path Game provides a step-by-step process that teaches the foundation, tools and techniques to hone this skill. With practice you can master the art and science of Listening to Understand. It’s a business superpower with awesome benefits.

At the Novice level you’ll learn to:

  • Guide the speaker in the conversation
  • Stay in-step with the speaker to increase understanding
  • Use a common language of listening for collaboration and meetings
  • Team listening

At the Skilled level you’ll learn to:

  • Ask specific and targeted questions
  • Gain insight without biasing the conversation
  • How to interrupt properly
  • Increase understanding and conversation efficiency
  • Practice a common language of listening
  • Turn gathering stories into building and telling them

At the Expert level you’ll learn to:

  • Pivot from listener to teller
  • Earn the right to gain buy-in
  • Understand root cause analysis and problem solving
  • Master storytelling, advising selling, and creating solutions
  • Creating win-win and win-lose outcomes
  • Mastery of conflict management, negotiating, difficult conversations
  • Mastery of a common language of listening

Listening is a skill, and the hallmark to master any skill is to practice that skill the same way every time.

Let us Listen

Schedule a Call with

Christine Miles

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