Ingalis Salonen

Ingalis CEO

One word: 


Focused on amplifying our mission to create a world of empathy and understanding by transforming the way organizations and individuals listen.

I grew up in Canada, the oldest of three kids, in a household filled with multiple languages and accents. My father immigrated from Finland, and my mother was a teacher with a passion for languages.

My mother often brought home stories from the classroom infused with a message of hope. My father started a construction company and from a young age, I was fascinated by all the dynamics of business, from strategy to the respectful way my father treated his employees. At the same time, I was confused watching him build a successful business, while also seeing how poorly he could be treated because of his strong accent.

Witnessing my parents’ experiences had a deep impact on me and sparked a passion to foster inclusion, compassion, possibility, and the ability to see others beyond the story they present to the outside world.

I brought this passion with me into my career in the corporate world, working in global technology organizations. Unfortunately, I often saw similar behaviors to when I was growing up – talented employees were not seen for who they really were. It was frustrating; I saw potential beyond what was fostered and valued. While driving business results, as an unofficial coach, I also tapped into a different dimension of my colleagues to help them fulfill their potential.

Over ten years ago, I experienced a profound loss when one of the most talented people I worked with passed away unexpectedly. It made me realize that my deepest purpose was to help others be seen and valued, and to support them in fulfilling their purpose. It was time for me to make formal coaching a priority.

Today, I combine my over 20 years of experience as a corporate business leader with my unique ability to see beyond the stories that are presented on the surface; to help organizations and individuals transform how they listen, lead, and access the courage to achieve what’s truly possible.

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